Weight Management

The primary target of RCLIN’s Weight Management program is to identify and remove the causes of unhealthy weight gain.

The key factors that contribute to unhealthy weight gain are:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • gastro-intestinal disorders;
  • environmental toxins;
  • nutritional deficiency;
  • lack of physical activity.

All these factors are intertwined and are highly dependent on one another and can make a person fat and in some cases lead to launching genetic factors of insulin resistance or initial loss of sensitivity to insulin, where genetics are not involved. In turn this may lead to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. All of these dysfunctions are associated with putting on weight.

At RCLIN, as part of patient’s examination we study molecular mechanisms to understand the causes of accumulating fat and then finding the targeted treatment to correct the problem.

To start with, we will review the functioning of mitochondria in cells and identify any failures in ATP synthase that has a cascading effect across various biochemical reactions. We will research each step involved in the process: accumulation of fatty acids and abnormal lipid deposition, slowing down of insulin absorption rates, increase in insulin secretion, blocking lipolysis, which finally causes weight gain and increased appetite.

Once the problem areas have been identified, we will develop a personalized treatment plan, the objective of which will be to restore the proper functioning of the biochemical reactions at molecular and cellular levels. We will also provide recommendations as to the patient’s optimal diet and lifestyle to keep the weight in check.

The overall length of the Weight Management program is normally 6 months, but it can be also shorter or longer, depending on each patient’s case.
